Payments may be made online using a credit card or bank transfer. To do so, use
PayPal at
http://www.paypal.com. The email address to which payments should be sent is nv1z@amsat.org
(that’s en-vee-one-zee). If you pay via PayPal, please be sure to add the PayPal fees of $0.30 per payment,
plus 2.9% of the amount paid. Updated payment policy: If you are a customer who gets invoices electronically,
and you pay your balance in full within 24 hours of sending of the electronic invoice, we will waive the PayPal
fees. That is, just pay the invoice balance and we will absorb the fees PayPal charges us. Of course, customers may always pay by check or cash at our office: Kahn Landscaping, LLC 147 Robinson Road Hudson, NH, 03051 Only checks should be sent through the mail. Interest accrues at the rate of two percent (2%) per month on balances unpaid after 30 days. |